Timeline & Procedures
After you've sent a quote request here is what you can expect:
1.) Your date will be saved until you receive a quote. So please do not worry that we will book your date while you are waiting for us. A quote will be sent to you with a link to the order form. You may place your order with the order form or over the phone. Because prices depend on design difficulty and the amount of product used, the quote will have multiple options for you to pick from. This allows you to make selections that fit within your budget. If you don’t care about budget or have a specific budget let us know and Jennie will choose the designs that she thinks look the best.
2.) After your quote is sent, we will hold your spot for an additional day. This will give you time to make a decision and place an order. After reviewing the quote if you know you want to place an order but need more time to make a decision that is no problem (unless you need the order within 5-10 days). Just let us know, otherwise, after 24 hours the date will become available for other customers. Please remember we book up very quickly so communicate your need for more time or place the order as soon as possible. After the quote is sent and the 24 hours have passed without communication from you the order is no longer guaranteed.
3.) When you place your order we will enter it into the system and send you an invoice. Your order will once again become secure for 24 more hours giving you time to pay. After the 24 hours, we assume you’ve changed your mind, no longer want to order, and will offer the date to other customers. The order is not secure or guaranteed until the retainer is paid. The retainer is 50% of the total, is transferable (with notice 7 days before scheduled pick up/delivered) but is not refundable. You can pay the total or just the retainer. If you opt to pay just the retainer, the remaining balance is due one week before the scheduled pick up/delivery. At this time, we are not accepting cash so a second request/invoice will be sent. You may pay with Venmo, Paypal, or Zelle. *We will not accept a retainer before giving you a quote and you selecting what you would like from that quote.
4.) We will send you the address and pick up/delivery instructions at the beginning of the week that your order is scheduled to be picked up/delivered.